A born and bred Capetonian, Lauren caught the travel bug after a 2-year travelling stint through the America’s, Eastern Europe and Asia, only to return to her roots and find that South African culture has no competition and where she would rather be. Having explored the famous garden route in South Africa from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth, her travel goals always include getting to see more of what Africa has to offer.
Laurens favourite part of being on safari is getting to watch the sunrise, listening to the morning roars of the pride of lions in earshot of camp. She also loves it when the sun rays hit the crisp grass, something to stare at while sipping on a cup of hot chocolate before you head out on an early morning safari.
Sayari Retreats (Serengeti, Tanzania) – the exclusiveness that the retreats offer with their remote location in the Serengeti offer an amazing safari experience.
Be patient. Mother nature works on her own time, while out on safari, leave your technology behind and allow yourself to enjoy every moment, every experience.